Hurricanes – How PunchAlert Can Help

We all know that communication is critical in preparing, managing and successfully resolving any kind of crisis.  This is especially the case during a Hurricane like Florence and Michael.  Whether you have PunchAlert for your organization, are considering it, or using some other product, this post is intended to highlight the many ways a safety communications platform can be helpful before, during, and after a Hurricane.  I will also emphasize how you, as an individual, can benefit from downloading the PunchAlert app for yourself and using it with your family and community to stay safe.  So here we go:


—   BEFORE   —


For Your Organization

1.  Create as much awareness as possible so people can get properly prepared.  So use the Announcement module from the mobile app or web console (if you are an Announcement Admin) to send out announcements to all your employees, customers, students, parents, or general public about how your organization is preparing for the storm.

2.  Leverage every channel: 1) Push notifications, 2) SMS, 3) Email, 4) Calls, 5) Social Media, 6) Website Widget, and other integrations to reach your audience wherever they are.

3.  Remind folks to download PunchAlert and Follow your Organization (if they aren’t already a private member or public follower) to get your announcements and receive all the other benefits of the app during and after the storm (see below)

4.  Make it a 2-way conversation by enabling comments so your target audience can post responses or questions through the PunchAlert app. Far too often mass notifications are sent, but then questions have no way of getting answered.

5.  Keep sending announcements to remind people how to prepare for the storm, what to expect on your campus, when your organization will be open or closed, and anything else that might be helpful.  You cannot over-communicate before a Hurricane, so now is the time to reach out.


For Yourself, Your Family and Community

1.  Make sure you have the app downloaded, with 911+ enabled.  Add your friends and family as emergency contacts so they can be notified if you call 911 including your exact location.

2.  Explore all the organizations in your area that have PunchAlert communities and Follow them so you can get the updates you need.

3.  Post Tips to an organization or publicly to be helpful to your surrounding your community.  This can include notifying folks where gasoline, water, flashlights, or other supplies are available or out of stock.


—   DURING   —

For Your Organization

1.  Press the red button to report an Emergency if you are on your organization’s property during the storm and conditions become very dangerous.

2.  Use 911+ to call 911 and simultaneously alert your organization’s responders. Keep in mind that often during a storm 911 operators become overwhelmed with calls.

3.  Notify official responders by escalating the emergency if your internal responders are unable to provide the necessary help.  This is only available in certain cities, for example, in Charlotte, NC this would notify their Real-time Crime Center of your emergency (if they’ve agreed to monitor your organization).  This would provide them with a real-time view to your location on property including 2-way communication capabilities.

4.  Notify other groups within your organization or the general public of the emergency to then send mass emergency updates and crowdsource information throughout the emergency.

5.  Monitor PunchAlert for Tips or Emergencies posted on your property.

6.  Keep your public informed with periodic Announcements during the storm.


For Yourself, Your Family and Community

1.  Call 911+ if you need help or on behalf of someone else in need.

2.  Post Tips to the public around you to inform your neighbors if you have lost power, trees have fallen on your property, road hazards, or other information that could be helpful.


—   AFTER   —


For Your Organization

1. It’s cleanup time.  Send out announcements to let everyone know the plan.

2. Encourage people to keep posting tips as they see hazards or other issues on property that require attention.

3. Monitor and Resolve open tips on your property as you get things cleaned up.


For Yourself, Your Family and Community

1. Keep posting Tips to your community or organizations around you as you see items that need attention.

2. Monitor PunchAlert for Tips and Announcements so you can stay informed and help out as needed.


Interested in learning more?  Reach out for a demo at





The PunchAlert Team

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